The magic of thinking big is a well known book written by David J Schwartz that is a classic in field of motivation and psychology of motivation .The book was published back in 1919 .In this blog ,we share The Magic of Thinking Big lessons.
It prompt us to think big, if we want to do wonders in this world.
Its a common example if we have money and we have to invest on 2 persons one think small, while the other dude think big ,whom we should invest on? Answer is simple the one who think big ,because he can do big.
The writer had strong belief that success doesn’t rely on being born in rich family, or being lucky it depends on the way you think and how you perform tasks you wanted to.
Have you ever wondered how and why man reached on moon? why the computer is dominating the present era? its because of persons who think big and achieved their aims that were set high.
The author shared ideas in the book that are mandatory in helping you to think big.
This point elaborates that if you sit and eat in a company of people who are successful as compare to those who are just waiting for opportunities ,you can do big .Its human nature that we learn from the experiences and from the people we met.
This idea is all about taking actions. Never stop from taking actions, just take the moment and go for it. The author had given various examples.
Like Napoleon Bonaparte came up with difficult situation in war and the soldiers around advice him to stop for 2 days but he said no and told them no matter what take action .He focused on attack rather than procrastination.
There author emphasizes that sometimes in life we felt pessimistic and underestimate our self by labelling as baseless. Writer says don’t think these negative vibes, just know your task, write down your good qualities and go for it.
This idea is about finding out our true potential. Writer wanted to emphasize that write down top 5 qualities we possessed .Then write out names of successful people and their qualities. compare what you possess in common with the riches.
If you are not good at study but a smart person, identify this quality and search this in successful people. This helps in finding your true size.
If looking for The magic of thinking big lessons, here are 10 wonderful lessons i learned from this book.
How to think big?
The author also described how to think big by giving some examples. If you apply these lessons you probably think big.
I elaborate this by giving example mentioned in book.
First example is of Ben Schwartz who one day did an amazing exercise with his students in class .He asked them how they can eradicate present system .All of them went silent and said its impossible. Then teacher told them be calm and think deep. Then after while all came up with their ideas.
This example shows that when you think deep and big, you develop new ideas that can turn into big fortunes if you work on them.
Another example is of Eric Severeid who is a famous author and a member of readers digest who met bad tragedy in world war 2 .He jumped along with company and landed on Myanmar forest ,a complete far place for rescue teams to reach. They know they have to do something to survive.
They planned to cover 140 miles distance to reach destination .All said its too far to cover but they did that, you know how? They travelled from one tree to next and so on taking small steps and reached their site.
This teaches us to think big and take small precise steps to gain what you want because there is a famous quotation
A journey of thousand miles begin with one step”
The book also emphasize to have big dreams .For example nowadays ELON MUSK in the start when he invented idea of Space X people called him mad ,but now see what he have gained. Its all about visions that helps in getting goals .
If you believe in your abilities ,you can do big .its natural our mind generate ideas and subconscious mind performs tasks. If we have faith in our ideas and know how to take steps, we can get what successful ones got.
Lets take example if you are prisoned in a box and told that you can never come out of it, what will happen? you will start going to depression, but if you have faith in your abilities you take steps and find solutions of coming out of box.
Another lesson among the magic of thinking big lessons is to make network big. This point highlights that try to make connections with successful and strong people. This will ,motivate you to think like them. You must be thinking how to make good network, here are things you should do.
- remember people names
- be a good listener
- appreciate others
- good eye contact while talking
- keep doing something ,never procrastinate
Excuses are the disease that kill success and a major cause of success .A failed person make excuses and blame others ,that’s what kills his or her belief plus thinking capacity. Writer wants us to get rid if making excuses.
We need to be doer ,a person who take actions and they are the ones who always succeed. on the other side passivationist ,just postpone things ,procrastinate and at the end remain empty handed.
Author highlights the ways you should think like leader .A great leader knows how to take decisions in harsh moments, he knows how to think and act according to situation.
Writer said never fear of failure that kills action. He says just act no matter what will happen.
Observe things and find out to correct them by generating ideas. A visualizer thinks what he can do good in future for society.
For example if you are a developer and find out problems ,then must seek advice from the people who have experience. This thing builds your good networking plus you can solve problems.
This was all about The Magic of Thinking Big lessons by David J. Schwartz .In conclusion, its a self help book that motivates readers to think big if they wanted to break shackles of limit and failure. The most amazing lesson i learned from magic of thinking big is that in any condition ,we have to think ,why not to think only big.
So try these things in your life once, your life will change forever. Cheers.
Is The Magic of Thinking Big worth reading?
A well known self helping book that teaches readers the real meaning and purpose of thinking big. The book also emphasizes on belief, joining good company and getting rid of all those things that are hurdle in thinking big that is a part of getting goals completed. Its worth to read the magic of thinking big .
The Magic of thinking big lessons for readers?
The magic of thinking big lessons for readers are:
Never make excuses.
join good network.
think big always.
find your good qualities.
just act and never waste time.
What are the 4 obstacles of think big?
The 4 obstacles of think big are:
Procrastination, its all about wasting time and never using mind to think big.
Second is no faith in your abilities ,this lead to laziness.
Third is excuses, that are the hurdle in thinking big,
Last one is lack of purpose.