Dopamine Detox by Thibaut Meurisse helps you to get rid of addictions of the modern era. This book introduces you to the productive habits that’ll help you reset your brain to live a peaceful life. This blog is all about Dopamine Detox Summary.
Thibaut Meurisse is a French blogger and speaker who had most of his book on personal guidance and productivity. In this book dopamine Detox, he describes the dopamine theory and how we can eliminate distractions.
Dopamine Detox overview
In this book, you’ll get these insights:
- Dopamine neurotransmitter introduction
- What’s Domaine detox and how you can follow it?
- Which habits are going trigger dopamine
- What are healthy habits to follow
- How to be aware of triggers that enhance dopamine rush
Dopamine Detox Summary
In this self-help book by Thibaut Meurisse, he discussed how we are addicted to many things that enhance the dopamine rush.
You must have used social media whenever you felt bored. This is because our dopamine is been consumed in the wrong place.
What’s Dopamine?
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in our brain produced from dopaminergic neurons that act on various receptors and lead to pleasure or motivational feelings.
Why it’s bad to have high dopamine?
Although dopamine release isn’t bad at all and it’s a normal process it’s released in those activities that don’t have any worth bringing negative results like social media. When over-excitation of dopamine occurs, it becomes tiresome for us to concentrate on tasks.
- Moreover, there’s a tolerance mechanism of Dopamine where everyone’s receptors develop resistance and demand more Dopamine, and in turn, we consume mobile apps, video games, etc.
You’ll read about Edward Banfield who was the famous man who did experiments on animals that showed results of how rewarded feelings make us action. He performed on cats and placed fish outside the cage. The cat tried and with time it learned how to get food. The same thing you can apply to the dopamine system. We all are using mobile phones etc in the same manner.
- Excess use of these apps etc. leads to a rush of Dopamine. To achieve your aims, you have to know your attention limit. The author discussed the 21-day challenge in the book for getting rid of such excess Dopamine rush.
21 days challenge
You should do these things to get rid of the overstimulation of dopamine.
- Try to minimize your social media use
- Say no to bad habits
- Try to exercise
- Drink water(seems stupid but try it)
- Mediate
All these tips that help you to get rid of the dopamine rush are called “Dopamine Detox”.You can do dopamine fast by simply eliminating the distractions.
How to do dopamine fast?
You can practice this by just following simple things:
- Remove these filthy things from life the use of cigarettes, alcohol, Netflix, and music in excess
- Try to write down your thoughts
- Try to do exercise or walk
The author further discussed in the book how you can apply this strategy of dopamine Detox:
- Aware of triggers that rush dopamine
- Create plans
- Develop and practice discipline
- Reward yourself on small achievements
- Be productive
Awareness of triggers
The first thing you need to do is become aware of things that are stimulating dopamine centers. You can do this by just analyzing for a few minutes. If you think you’re using some apps excessively, try to remove them from a mobile or simply don’t use them for some days.
- Another thing is you can try to minimize the use of mobile in the morning. Further, you can do is just write down what you feel. Most of us use mobile whenever we feel sad.
Create plans
Try to follow things you need to follow in your Dopamine Detox practice. If you need to shut down bad habits, follow the rules.
Practice discipline
- Discipline is mandatory for achieving goals. This makes us go forward toward our goals.
Reward yourself
- Try to appreciate yourself for small achievements. If we pass one step in the detox exercise, appreciate it and do the next one.
Be productive
- To become productive, you need to be full of focus and consistency. Focus is all about how we concentrate on our task while consistency defines our never-ending struggle.
If we follow the tips mentioned above for getting rid of dopamine overstimulation, we’ll become productive in life(books on productivity)
You’ll read about closed systems in the book. They’re just environment that is free of distractions and as reader try to follow this one.
Types of detox
- Total Detox
- Limited detox
- After detox
Total detox
This concept is all just leaving or getting rid of bad habits i.e. social media for about 1 or 2 days.
Limited detox
It’s also called partial detox and it’s just getting rid of dopamine rush habits for an extended time or period of around 30 days.
Psychologists also believe that following one thing for a long time becomes a habit and if we do this exercise, we’ll end up well.
After detox
This is after completing our detox exercise. For example, If I had completed my dopamine detox of two days. Now after these days, I have to do the same exercise and try to get free from the use of social media. This motivates us to focus on tasks that need our attention.
Starve your donkey?
You’ll notice this term and its all-mind-body relationship. Our mind is like a man while our body is like a donkey. They both can move or stop according to the donkey’s hunger level. If the donkey (our mind)seems full of food, it will not move forward. This is an example of excess social media.
- If the donkey(mind)is hungry, it is going to move forward or simply you’ll go ahead. Now it’s up to you how much you need to feed it or what item you’ll give to your mind. Try to feed the donkey(mind)with the food(habits)that leads to better outcomes in life.
Dopamine Detox Review
As I had discussed the dopamine detox Summary in detail. In a nutshell, I’ll say it’s a good book that helps you to get rid of habits that are damaging your life cycle. It’s an excellent read and easy to follow one.
- The best thing I can say from this book is author side some real-life examples that’ll motivate those who read this book. Further, I noticed some points that had some research background.
- And finally last but not least, it’s not a long book. You can easily read it in around 3 hours or less.
Conclusion: Thibaut Meurisse Dopamine Detox Summary
This was all about dopamine Detox Summary. It’s great work by Thibaut Meurisse that assists us in overcoming habits that are overstimulating our dopamine levels.You’ll get info about dopamine rush and how you can follow an exercise”Dopamine Detox” for getting an escape from these habits that cause procrastination.
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